©2024 Real Circularity™. All Rights Reserved.
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An Inter-Industry Virtual Summit
At Real Circularity we work on inter-industry and whole systems perspectives .
Our Summit will be working with all elements, from our current focus in the domain of Fashion right through to technology & AI, Architecture & The built environment, Renewable Energy and scope 3 , Product design, Co-living, New Economics and Regenerative Futures.
We work with all sizes of business and recognise that the small innovators can be just as exciting as the large ones so from large companies like Google to up and coming companies like Vyn Sneakers. We do not exclude and we are NOT a’ pay to play’ summit, which we feel would exclude people doing most excellent iterations, who are not yet funded or sit within the areas that the market excludes.
We are open to all speaker applications – link to our Contact Page and fill in the online form to speak or to join us as a participant